Smarter social prescriptions

Theseus: Social Prescribing delivers an assessment process tailored to the needs of your social prescribing network.

Its SmartAssessment feature supports referral consistency and provides social prescribing link workers with automated (and definable) onward referral suggestions based on the needs of the citizen.

Icon showing a network of users

Secure social prescribing referrals

Theseus: Social Prescribing empowers your team to securely send social prescription referrals directly to local partners and community assets.

It also provides a robust audit trail and scalable referrals management processes to replace cumbersome paper, email and telephone-based processes.

Icon of a mobile phone

Easily onboard social prescribing providers

With Theseus: Social Prescribing your partners can easily pick up and manage their referrals on any device, including smartphones.

The easy easy-to-use interface makes onboarding new partners a breeze and no software needs to be installed.

Reduces pressure on primary care

An optional social prescribing self-referral feature can be deployed to enable direct online self-referrals to social prescribing link workers or a social prescribing hub.

Theseus: Social Prescribing can also be readily integrated with other systems using HL7 FHIR APIs.

Illustration depicting integrated care system software deployed with mobile working capabilities
Integrated score-based assessments

Theseus: Social Prescribing has a broad range of integrated score-based assessment tools that can be readily integrated into your assessment processes.

These include WHO-5, WEMWBS, PHQ-9, GAD-7 and Q-LES-Q-SF.

Illustration depicting health and wellbeing score-based assessments
Easy to maintain service directory

Theseus: Social Prescribing makes it a doddle to maintain your social prescribing service directory of activities, partners and services.

Simply upload a spreadsheet with any data structure and your directory is populated!

Illustration of a directory, with one option selected
Outcome reporting and analysis

Theseus: Social Prescribing empowers visibility and understanding of the impact of your social prescriptions.

Partners in your social prescribing network can easily report outcomes to you at the click of a button and integrated outcome visualisation tools support meaningful follow-up discussions with citizens.

Illustration showing a dashboard with a graph and icons showing various types of reports
Illustration depicting integrated care system software deployed with mobile working capabilitiesIllustration depicting health and wellbeing score-based assessmentsIllustration of a directory, with one option selectedIllustration showing a dashboard with a graph and icons showing various types of reports

Robust and secure data management

Theseus is a proven platform used by district, metropolitan and county councils, partner providers and the NHS. Theseus is delivered from a Tier 3 datacentre with ISO 27001 accreditation.

Illustration of a server rack, with icons around it denoting security

Readily integrated and extendable to deliver long-term value

Theseus supports inter-agency referrals and integration with third party systems via HL7 FHIR APIs.

If you need to add another service with different caseload requirements, Theseus enables you to do this easily and cost effectively.

Illustration of cogs working together

Talk directly to a great team

Our Theseus team is friendly, knowledgeable and experienced. If you need to speak to someone about a support ticket we’re always available Monday to Friday, 8.30 to 5 pm – and we’ll answer within 3 rings!

Illustration depicting integrated health and wellbeing software training portal

Enquire today and find out how Theseus solutions can empower your organisation with effective referrals and case management.
