Online Self-Assessment

We implemented our innovative Theseus: Self-Assessment model to create an engaging online healthy lifestyles MoT for the Live Life Better Derbyshire Service.

Theseus: Self-Assessment enables custom health and wellbeing questionnaires to be rapidly built for any health improvement service. Self-assessments are encrypted via TLS 1.2 and are readily styled to match an established brand.

Maximises Engagement with Healthy Lifestyles

Photo of indiviual undertaking healthy lifestyles assessment on mobile

Maximises Engagement with Healthy Lifestyles

The Health and Wellbeing MoT deployed for the Live Life Better Derbyshire service is fully responsive enabling citizens to complete the survey on laptops, smartphones and tablet devices.

It’s also optimised for maximum engagement and ease of use and to minimise drop-outs. This is achieved by asking the right questions at the right time and ensuring that data captured is relevant and proportional to the stage of engagement a citizen is at with the service.

Health and Wellbeing Assessment

Photo of person completing a healthy lifestyles self-assessment on a laptop

Health and Wellbeing Assessment

The questionnaire establishes if a citizen is a Derbyshire resident, has a Derbyshire GP or is taking part in a workplace programme.

To remove barriers and make the process as quick as possible, eligible citizens can create an account by sharing only their first name. The self-assessment process also supports citizens that don’t have an email account and carers completing the form on behalf of someone else.

Throughout the process a clear visual indicator helps the citizen understand what stage of the self-assessment they are at, together with an estimate of how long it will take to complete.

The process is also multi-stage enabling citizens to readily jump back in where they left on their previous visit.

Personal Outcome Plan Generation

Screenshots of health and wellbeing MoT healthy lifestyles assessment

Personal Outcome Plan Generation

Immediately on completion of the Health and Wellbeing MoT, Theseus SmartAssessment automatically analyses the citizen’s responses against Live Life Better Derbyshire’s assessment criteria.

The citizen is then presented with a dynamic Personal Health Plan, with different healthy lifestyles areas categorised and colour-coded into easy-to-understand priorities with clear explanations.

Priority 1

Areas recommend citizens refers themselves to a Live Life Better Derbyshire service, which the citizen can action at the click of a button.

Priority 2

Areas are where citizens are generally on top of their wellbeing. In these cases citizens are presented with links to resources for self-help and further reading.

Priority 3

Areas require no action as citizens are managing their wellbeing effectively for these aspects.

When a citizen chooses to self-refer against a Priority 1 area, Theseus asks and records citizen consent and collects additional information from the individual in order to process the referral (e.g. full name, address and phone number). Capturing additional data only where it is strictly necessary builds trust, ensures the whole process is as streamlined as possible and minimises drop-outs.

For individuals with numerous Priority 1 areas, Live Life Better Derbyshire’s central hub prefer to have a discussion with the citizen prior to referrals being actioned. To accommodate this requirement, Theseus SmartAssessment automatically withdraws the direct referral option for these citizens and instead prompts the individual to contact the hub team.

Integrated Referrals to Health and Wellbeing Caseloads

Photo of people taking part in a yoga session

Integrated Referrals to Health and Wellbeing Caseloads

Theseus’ SmartAssessment feature automatically generates healthy lifestyles referral suggestions based on self-assessment responses. Referrals can be to internally or externally delivered health improvement services, or to community groups and VCSEs. Referrals can also be actioned directly onto Theseus case management.

Live Life Better Derbyshire’s Health and Wellbeing MoT currently actions direct referrals onto Theseus: Stop Smoking case management, for citizens with smoking cessation as a Priority 1 area.

All relevant data collected in the self-assessment process is automatically populated in a new Stop Smoking case management episode, saving Stop Smoking Advisor time and ensuring the member of staff is fully prepared for engagement with the citizen.

Direct Self-Assessment Referrals

Photo of man benefitting from integrated health and wellbeing services

Direct Self-Assessment Referrals

Theseus products are developed for ease of scalability and interconnectivity to support integrated healthy lifestyle teams as their offer expands.

We are now in the process of configuring direct self-assessment referral into a Theseus: Healthy Weight case management episode for the Live Life Better Derbyshire service, with physical activity and exercise on referral episodes also in the pipeline for deployment.

A further key benefit Theseus delivers for Live Life Better Derbyshire is the ability for individual services to provide feedback on the outcomes of referrals received back to the central hub.

Initial Outcomes

Theseus: Self-Assessment has dramatically improved the completion rate of Live Life Better Derbyshire’s Health and Wellbeing MoTs.

In the first month of going live, a total of 533 Health and Wellbeing MoTs were started and 506 completed, giving a completion rate of 95% and generating 345 Priority 1 referrals into the service.

We needed the tool in a very short period - 12 weeks. Cyber Media were an excellent company to work with on this project. They understood our needs and offered suggestions on how the Theseus: Self-Assessment could be optimised to our needs. The project management by Cyber Media was excellent, with regular meetings and email updates throughout the project.

Darran West, Group Manager for Health Improvement